Episode 7 of Charmed's current season served us the first bottle episode of the show and damn that was an almost perfect serve. Witch way out was directed by Menhaj Huda and written by Natalia Fernandez and Carolyn Townsend.
Back when I saw the promo for this episode, I've believed that the sisters were trapped by a Monster from the Tomb of Chaos but the writers took a whole 180° and put the sisters directly into the Tomb. It was so brilliant and well-executed. The writers had such a clear idea and as the episode unfolded all the pieces came together delivering an exciting and tension-filled outing, with a good pace and great sisterly and character moments for each Charmed one.

While Macy's personal development wasn't so much forefront this episode, we did see how she is struggling against Shea Corporation and how passionate she is. Safe Space wasn't something she wanted but she saw the bigger picture and wasn't backing down from it. Her taking a piece of Mel's attitude and strong-arm the Shea group into giving her the legal clinic was so well executed. It resonated with the events of the episode so well.